Thursday 16 February 2012


IT'S ABOUT TIME, IT'S ABOUT TIME, iTs AbOuT TiMe, it's About time, I mean cock a doodle doo!

So after two nights of waking up at 2 in the morning, after 200,000 cock a doodle doos, we learnt to speak chicken! Is about time to wake up and they don't shut up till the sun comes up!

After bumper surfing at 100 up and over the hills, having the kiss of death with on coming vehicles we are at the village making great progress. We have mixed over 8cube of concrete by hand with gap 40, and now we have a floor and first ring of the tank poured.

The serenity is just tip top, and the kids have way to much energy! 1kz's are tip top for here and it seems like over 5/4s of the Hilux production line live over here.

Signing off from the "special"ists on the team, Chris and Simon

1 comment:

  1. Hey Simon & Chris - couldn't resist checking out chicken jokes on google after reading your post!

    What do you call a rooster who wakes you up?
    An alarm cluck.

    How long do chickens work?
    Around the cluck.

    There's plenty more where they came from : )

    Helen & Gerard
