Sunday 19 February 2012

Sunday - a day of Rest......

Wow only three days to go. Sunday was a much needed rest day, although we were on the go all day, first we visited a family home & was given a cooking demo, I think from what the boys were saying some of the kitchens back home are in for a Thai revamp!!. Then we went along to worship our source with the local Christians, then after lunch it was off to the water source about 3 ks away, that was a hot but fun walk through the bamboo & teak trees. We introduced the Thai boys to Cricket that was a bit of a
laugh at first & then started to get the hang of it so look out Blackcaps., the local boys then took on the NZ team at soccer needless to say Mike & Campbell still thought they were 18 and still had the skills haha, we finished of the around the fire singing action songs, that was great to see the kids joining in.

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